This week I have been doing research into the 231 gates (Kabbalah) again so I've been looking at the numbers 21 and 22 and on Friday I found out that this year, 2024, is actually the 22nd tetrahedral number anyway I have found out some interesting things:
19th triangle number(=10×19=190(=21st triangle number(=1+2+3+...+21)/7th octahedral number(=1²+2²+3²+4²+5²+6²+7²+6²+5²+4²+3²+2²+1²)=231(base 9))(|(0)91=13th triangle number)=7th centered nonagonal number((9×6th triangle number)+1))×2=7th star number(7th hexagonal number((6×6th triangle number(1+2+3+4+5+6=21))+1)+(6×6th triangle number))=253=22nd triangle number=9th centered heptagonal number((7×8th triangle number(36))+1)=8th centered nonagonal number((9×7th triangle number(28))+1).
7th star number(2D)=7th star tetrahedral number(3D)(7th octahedral number+(8×6th tetrahedral number(3D 6th triangle number)))(=13th tetrahedral number(3D 13th triangle number(=91 trees of life=the cosmic tree of life))×2)=15th tetrahedral number-1=679(=((The tree of life+Da'at)((Emanations of) YHWH))+Ein Sof Aur)|976=16×61=16th decagonal number=26th centered triangle number, 26=YHWH(tetragrammaton).
Ein Sof Aur(=168(169)/336(337)=8th star number(8th hexagonal number((6×7th triangle number)+1)+(6×7th triangle number))=22nd triangle number×2)—(becomes)→YHWH(679|976)—(and forms the)→231 gates(((Placing the) 22 Hebrew letters(22 pathways of the tree of life) (in a circle and joining one letter to all the other letters forms 21 lines, doing this for all the letters we get 22×21=462(231(19th triangle number in base 9)×2) lines divided by 2) form(s) the 231 gates(231 combinations))=(Base 22(=253(corresponds to base 10))=21(=231(corresponds to [base] 9)))).
Ein(=7(:)1(:)1(Hebrew Soffits gematria)(=reduced repeating hexagonal/flower of life(fol) sequence=fractal seed of life(sol)(which)=(the)fractal torus(when it's sequence is extended to the negative numbers which doubles the sol/fol(the torus as the center circle of the seed of life=21/22 circles))(which forms))) Sof(=1577(gematria)(=168(0)(sum of divisors)=(the)168(=84×2) roots(vesica piscis) of E8(which is a torus(doubled fol))(8D)=Dodecahedron(120 cell(=120(=15th triangle number=8th tetrahedral number((3D)=8th triangle number(2D)=36(th triangle number=666))) dodecahedrons)) constructed out of trees of life(4D)=64 tetrahedron grid(3D)(contained within the fol which is made up of 84 vesica piscis))) Aur(=1784(gematria)((=1+2+4+8+223+446+892(=1577-1=1576)+1784)=336(0)(sum of divisors)=168(0)+168(0)(=1577+1577=3154=5040(sum of divisors)=7!(=1×2×3×4×5×6×7(=7×8×9×10))=336(0)+168(0)=3×168(0))))((=)Infinity=fractal)(84, 168(169(=13²)) and 336(337) are all formed out of 7 which are all formed out of/equal to the fol(7(,(:))1(,(:))1(sequence)) which is also formed out of/equal to 7)=8th star number(2D)(336+1=337)=8th star tetrahedral number(3D)=15th tetrahedral number(8th octahedral number(344=1+7³)+(7th tetrahedral number(84(+1=cosmic tetractys=cosmic tree of life))×4(=336)))((3D)=15th triangle number(2D))×2.

I forgot to mention this last week.