The tree of life's 10 sephirot correspond to the 10 points of the tetractys. The hexagonal yod(7), which is equal to 12 when the tetractys is the first 4 lines of pascals triangle, in the center of the tetractys is a seed of life and therefore corresponds to two forms, the cubistic matrix and the vector equilibrium. The vector equilibrium is 12 spheres surrounding 1 and is therefore 12 and the vector equilibrium is also the hexaflor/hexatree(tetrahedron grid fractal) which is Ein Sof(Infinity=fractal) as a tree of life and is 12 sephirot surrounding a 13th sephirot. The hexatree Ein Sof contains the kabbalistic 10 sephirot tree of life, which originates from Ein Sof, because the hexatree is the vector equilibrium/tetrahedron grid fractal which can be entirely constructed out of trees of life therefore the tree of life and vector equilibrium/hexagonal yod of the tetractys(and the over all tetractys) perfectly overlay because they are the same.