I have talked about the Krystal-Fibonacci spiral for a few years and I thought I was the only one to reveal it but finally I'm not! Knew Spirituality made a video 7 months ago revealing the exact same information I have been revealing and I want to thank them for that, its amazing! I created a new playlist on my personal youtube channel with there videos in it along with mine, I seriously suggest you check it out!
The fractaling cube octahedron produces both the Fibonacci and Krystal spiral as I've shown.
"The cube octahedron(vector equilibrium) fractal forms both the Fibonacci spiral (based torus) and the krystal spiral so it forms the krystal-fibonacci spiral. The hexatree forms the vector equilibrium, when it fractals it forms the Fibonacci spiral and spins and forms the torus (from the spinning flower of life formed out of the hexatree), this forms the cube octahedron fractal/PNC-hypercube."
"FINALLY! I'm not the only one talking about this, I've been saying similar stuff for 2 years now but unfortunately some people have been attacking me for revealing this stuff. I've come up with the exact same information, I've recently made posts about it:
Thank you for sharing this, its amazing! I would say there not exactly the same spiral but the cube octahedron fractal forms/encodes both the Fibonacci and Krystal spiral."